How to find your way back

Torstein Vabo
1 min readJan 28, 2022


to yourself…

It is very simple. Explore solitude. Be alone in Nature.

Soleggen Fjellstue. Photo credit: Eva Klee

The reason you lose yourself is because you’re caught up in the energy of your environment. Your environment; people, phones, cars, buildings, everything that we have built that we call culture or society wants you to think, speak and act in a certain manner. This pulls you away from the way you really want to think, speak and act.

Nature doesn’t want anything from you. Nature is neutral. Nature doesn’t pull you away from yourself. Nature doesn’t want anything from you. Nature just is. Enabling you to just be You…

I recently challenged each person in my close family to take 24 hours of 2022 and plan to be alone for that time. No phone, no internet, no books. Just body, mind and a place to stay, preferably in a cabin in nature, or in nature if temperature allows it. If you have read so far, I challenge you to do the same. Take 24 hours out of 2022 and be… alone... No stimulations. Just you.

That is self-love.

